Case Study – School Storage in Billingshurst

Project Overview
Designed by Hansons our scope of works was to design, supply and install a unique and cost-effective build. With the task of delivering the project on time and within budget Hanson’s had to ensure build heights, footprints and designs were in keeping with site and suitable for the client’s future needs. Complete with our Maxirib Flat Panel Profile in Olive Green, with a Seceurogilde Roller Shutter Door and an internal partitioned room with windows.
Location: Billingshurst
Building Type: School Storage Building
Colour: Olive Green
Panel Profile: Maxi Rib
Size: 10.22 m Length x 6 m Width
Height: 2.4m Eaves Height
Main Door: Seceuroglide Original Roller Shutter
Other Doors: 1x Insulated 10 Point Locking Steel Door
Windows: 2 x PVC Open Window – 4’5″ x 3’6″ (1.35m x 1,070m)